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Adventures at the Park

Today the boys and I went to the park around the corner. They had a good time on the playground, and before we left, I suggested we take a hike on the nature trail.

The trail said it was one mile and we had a good time walking through the woods. About halfway, Hunter was ready to turn back, but Carter wanted to go ALL the way. We went up an extremely steep hill. At the top the gravel turned to leaves. We followed what we thought was the trail until we came to a dead end. We could either go back, or slide down the pine straw of what was about a 60 foot "hill". I was already exhausted from carrying Hunter, so we slid.

We were then only approximately 50 yards from our starting point, however, I didn't see that there was a fence until we reached the bottom. There was NO WAY I was hauling the boys back up that MOUNTAIN! I climbed the fence and went ahead to make sure we could get out. There was a way, so I got the boys, we climbed into a dry creek and I shoved them through a hole in the fence that crossed the creek. We had to climb out of the creek and through a lot of briar bushes, but we avoided seeing any snakes. The boys were scared from the point we crossed the fence line, but were ecstatic when we popped out of the woods back at the start of the trail. They said "MOM, that was AWESOME!"

They want to do it again tomorrow. I told them to go talk to their dad! :-)


ME! said…
That is funny. I think getting lost in the corn maze. ;) I remember one time my mother, little bro, and I went on a "Sunday drive" on the backroads of Pell City in the fall. We got a little turned around, but not worried about it b/c eventually you find a road you know. Will was about 8. He was terrified we would never get home. He was tried to se how much gas we had, and how to save the 2 bottles of water we had. LOL.

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