I've really hoped to create some long-lasting traditions in our family. We first took Carter to Old Baker Farm in 2003, when he was just 10 months old. We have made the journey to Harpersville, AL every year since. We have always gone with different people, but this year we made the journey as a family of 4 and 1/2. We can't wait to take Graham next year and continue the tradition.

Hunter and his "Buddy" 2008

Carter has his own tradition of picking a white pumpkin' (2008)

Carter 2007

Hunter and Mommy 2007

Hunter pumpkin' pickin' in 2006

Carter in the corn maze (2006)

The McKinneys in 2005

Carter in 2004

Hunter's first trip in 2004 (4 weeks old)

Carter's first trip in 2003 (10 months old)
I missed not going with you again and taking your picture- but I SUPOSE it is a good idea to go as a family. ;)
Maybe next year I will be there with our own..either about to pop out or freshly in the world. ;)