1. When given the award you write about the seven things that you love.
2. Pass the award to 7 bloggers that you love, and be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the picture of the award and insert it in your post.)
This was awarded to me by Laura.
Things I love:
1. Jesus. 'Nuff Said. (Only people in Eli country would get that.)
2. My family. I have been blessed beyond measure. I am aware of how fast things can change and try to savor those precious moments that go by so quickly.
3. Traveling. New places and old. Much of our traveling has been placed on hold due to having small children. However, Carter and Hunter are ready to go and I'm impressed with how much they remember upon returning. They were recently given some rest stop brochures from Grandma Jackie's trip to Missouri and have picked to head to Chattanooga (after the beach, of course). I'm ready to go!
4. Photographs. Old, new, staged, random, in a trunk, still on the camera, I love looking at pictures. I desire to get myself an SLR and get myself some skills, but I will wait to purchase said SLR until I have time to take some photography classes. I love messing with Photoshop AND digital scrapbooking too!
5. Accomplishment. Nothing makes me feel better than a job well done. I have WAY too many unfinished projects all all times. Maybe that is why I relish the feeling of FINALLY getting SOMETHING completed.
6. Friends. Good ones are hard to come by. I love my friends that brighten my day, make me laugh, and let me vent. With kids and work, I haven't had much time to spend with my friends, but I have some great friendships that have been around since my school days. I also have worked with some really great people over the years. We have been blessed with recently joining a great church in our community, and I now have the opportunity to get to know many of my neighbors. I am looking forward to building friendships with the great people I have met at West Park Heights Baptist.
7. Home cooking. I try not to do it TOO MUCH for health reasons, but Paula Deen's recipes speak to my Southern Girl roots and are too good to resist. I also like to make things I had while growing up. Either my mom and grandmother were the best cooks ever, or the memories just add that little something. YUM! Now I'm hungry...
I don't know 7 bloggers...but I will present this award to Diana and Cantina.