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Showing posts from May, 2013

Church of the Highlands

Today we joined Church of the Highlands! We have visited since January and we really feel that this is the place for our family to grow our faith, connect with the community and actively participate with mission work. This church has replanted from downtown, to property they own on Harrison Bay after the tornadoes last year went through the lake property. They really have an amazing story to tell and we can't wait to get plugged in! I don't think we could ever replace the family-like atmosphere of West Park Heights, but we are excited for this new adventure!

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day was fairly uneventful this year. We didn't go to Alabama since we are planning to go for Memorial Day in a couple of weeks. We went to church and then enjoyed the perfect weather at home. Jason did convince the boys to pose for a pic before church. They are growing so fast!